Work Package two

WP 2 operationalises the results of WP1 for further analysis in comparative qualitative research. It identifies which legal instruments both in the EU Treaties and its secondary law, and in the agreements between the EU and the neighbouring countries under investigation will be the subject of socio-legal comparison and qualitative analysis in WP 3. The areas covered are summarised in the table below.  

Intensity of governanceLiberal/economic rightsSocial rightsDigital rights
Direct effect uncontestede.g. Economic freedomse.g Treaty/ CFREU rights working time, regulations on  social securitye.g. General Data Protection Regulation
CFREU provisions/ Directives on anti-discrimination law
Harmonisation (needs implementation)e.g directive on services in the internal markete.g. directive on transparent and predictable working conditionse.g e-commerce-directive
Not legally bindinge.g. Council recommendation on safe free movement during COVID-19e.g directive on minimum wagee.g. guidelines on application of EU competition law to platform workers
EU level agreements, normative aspirationTo be identifiede.g. EU Social Partner Framework Agreement on Digitalisation