UACES 2024, Trento

The RIGHTS-TO-UNITE Team had a busy first week of September, presenting their work at UACES’s 54th annual conference in Trento, Italy!

In the beautiful buildings of the University of Trento, Dagmar Schiek convened a stream on EU integration in a cacophony of crises – contesting “integration through law”? , which featured presentations from both rising academic voices and established researchers, with a total of 5 panels over the course of 3 days:

  • Author meets critic: Erne, R., Stan, S., Golden, D., Szabó, I. and Maccarrone, V. Politicising commodification. European integration and labour politics from the financial crisis to the Covid emergency (CUP, 2024)
  • EU International Market Law – still a force of integration?
  • Integration between legislation, rights, and economic governance
  • Roundtable: Illiberalism(s), right-wing populism and EU law & policy

RTU Postdoctoral researcher Audrey Plan presented the project’s first Working Paper, The (dis)integrative potential of rights, on September 3rd. The panel, chaired by Moritz Jesse (Leiden), included other fascinating presentations from Jonas Bornemann (Gröningen), Marja-Liisa Öberg (Lund) and Lorenzo Cecchetti (LUISS). We engaged in a fruitful exchange with the audience and the panelists , around integration, the focus on EU rights at large rather than fundamental rights only, and new approaches to link and explore them.


The RTU team represented University College Dublin, alongside MSCA Postdoctoral researcher Mina Hosseini (School of Law), and Professor Roland Erne (School of Business), who both presented their own research!

Thank you to the UACES team for supporting the organisation of the EU integration through a cacophony of crisis stream, and putting together and well-run, inclusive conference! The RTU team looks forward to coming back in the upcoming years.